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Discipline is something that keeps each person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life and achieve success. Everyone follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Besides, everyone has his own prospect of discipline. Some people consider it a part of their life and some don’t. It is the guide that availability directs a person on the right path.
Essay on Discipline
Importance and types of discipline
Without discipline, the life of a person will become dull and inactive. Also, a disciplined person can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not.
Moreover, if you have a plan and you want to implement it in your life then you need discipline. It makes things easy for you to handle and ultimately bring success to your life.
If talk about the types of discipline, then they are generally of two types. First one is induced discipline and the second one is self-discipline.
Induced discipline is something that others taught us or we learn by seeing others. While self- discipline comes from within and we learn it on our own self. Self-discipline requires a lot of motivation and support from others.
Health is wealth :
It is a very famous proverb that ‘Health is Wealth’ which means that health is the real money and prosperity. A person who has a healthy body and mind can achieve everything.
Health refers to the overall well beingness that is physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. It is also said that ‘A healthy body resides god’ which means that ‘God stays in a healthy mind and soul’.
It is very important that everyone must maintain health and to get free of body disorders and feel good all the time and it depends on many several things. A healthy body and mind can be made by eating clean and green food, doing exercises daily, eating dietary food, maintaining a proper time table, ex- sleeping by 9-10 pm and waking up by 6am.
Also, 8 hours of sleep is very important for our body to grow. A healthy body eliminates every negativity and keeps us away from all diseases. It keeps us happy and positive.
Friendship :
Friendship is a communal and a common faithful and loyal and trustworthy relationship flanked by two or more people who are emotionally involved and interrelated to each other in a friendly manner. We factually can’t live our entire time of life unaccompanied or alone and for this reason, we require a faithful and loyal connection between two or more people to live gladly and happily called friendship or briefly we call for to have friends in our life, in turn, to make our life with a reduction of boring memories. friendship is not narrow or stuck to the age of people that is to say a tiny boy can be there as a good friend with his grandfather or any aged person, sex i.e. a girl can be a good friend of a boy and a boy can be good friends with a girl, literacy point, height or level in the social order, etc. also humans can be friends with animals as they find them more trustworthy the choices of people varies from one person to the other
Science in modern life :
Science is the most important thing of our life because it influences each and every aspect of our everyday life. Ever since a caveman rubbed two stones to till today, science has made it for all of us to live our lives more comfortably than ever. Without science, society will definitely suffer in all the areas fundamentally.
Usages of science in everyday life:
Communication: Science and its inventions have brought the world close to us. We daily use mobiles, internet all are the blessings of science.
Medicine: We have found almost all the cure for all the diseases because of science. From X-Ray to heart transplants, all these only possible because of science and its inventions.
Meteorology: Monsoon is the backbone of every economy and thanks to science, not only Monsoon every possible weather details we can know well before.
Agriculture: Science has been playing an essential role in the field of agriculture.
Electricity: Definitely invention of electricity has changed everything.
There are many essences of science in everyday life, which are endless to describe. Finally we can say science has lifted up spirit of mankind. Science is continuously teaching its students about its hidden and inspiring truths and feats.
Though it is very difficult to write the usages of science in words, but we have provided you with one such essay. Every single task we do today is the utilization of science . Even you are reading this on mobile or computer using internet, without science it was not possible. So we can not imagine our lives without science. Is not it?