Write the factors on the basis of which industries are classified
Industries: Classification of Industries in India!
Industries can be classified into several groups. The following table gives an understanding about them.
I. On the Basis of Strength of Labour:
1. Large Scale Industry:
Industries which employ a large number of labourers in each unit are called large-scale industries. Cotton or jute textile industries are large scale industries.
Image Courtesy : ppec.co.in/images/refineries-india.JPG
2. Medium Scale Industries:
The industries which employ neither very large nor very small number of labourers are put in the category of medium scale industries. Cycle industry, radio and television industries are some examples of medium scale industries.
3. Small Scale Industries:
Industries which are owned and run by individuals and which employ a small number of labourers are called small scale industries.
II. On the Basis of Raw-Material and Finished Goods:
Industries classified on the basis of raw materials and finished goods are: