write the following fraction and decimals in the words 57 by 10
Hyphenation works differently with larger fractions that contain digits higher than 20 in the numerator or the denominator. Often, these digits are already hyphenated – for instance, 45 written in words is forty-five – and additional hyphenation could lead to confusion. In such cases, omit the hyphen between the fraction’s numerator and denominator. For instance, write 45/81 as forty-five eighty-firsts, and write 17/200 as seventeen two-hundredths.
Improper Fractions
These procedures also apply to improper fractions, which are fractions in which the numerator is larger than or equal to its denominator. For instance, you would write 11/7 as eleven-sevenths”and 61/3 as sixty-one thirds.
Mixed Fractions
Mixed fractions – which are also called mixed numbers – are made up of a whole number adjoined to a fraction, such as 6 3/5. To write mixed fractions in words, write the whole number separated by the word and, and then the fractional portion. Adhere to the usual rules of hyphenation. For example, 6 3/5 becomes six and three-fifths and 38 57/64 becomes thirty-eight and fifty-seven sixty-fourths.
plz follow me come back to you
your question doesnt really make since but im assuming yo want the fraction and decimal of 57 by 10 o your answer should be 5.7 is a decimal and 570/100 or 570% is the percentage for 57/10.
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