English, asked by vishalwagh123456, 1 month ago

Write the following sentences with plural nouns and pro
nouns. Make other changes also.
1. He is flying a kite.
2. She is a good girl.
3. I did this work myself.
4. You are my dear friend.
5. He gave me his book.
6. The dog was running after her.
7. This book is mine,
8. That doll is hers.
9. I love my sister.
10. She was playing with her doll.​


Answered by goheldeepali


  1. He flies a kite
  2. They all are good girls
  3. We did this work ourself
  4. You all are my dear friends
  5. They gave me their books
  6. The dogs were running after them
  7. These books are ours
  8. Those dolls are theirs
  9. We love our sisters
  10. They were playing with their dolls


These are your answers

Answered by Shreya15611


1. they are flying a kite.

2.they are good girls

3.I did this work on my self.

4.you are my dear friend.

5.they gave me this book.

6.the dogs were running after her.

7.this book is mine.

8.this doll is hers.

9.l love my sisters.

10.they were playing with their doll.

Anonymous: come
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