Write the formula to add the contents of cells B2,B3,B4 and B5 and divide the sum by the contents of C7..
Go to that cell in which you want your
After that typr =(B2+B3+B4+B5)/C7
And press enter
You can use a simple formula to sum numbers in a range (a group of cells), but the SUM function is easier to use when you’re working with more than a few numbers.
Here's a formula that uses two cell ranges: =SUM(A2:A4,C2:C3) sums the numbers in ranges A2:A4 and C2:C3. You'd press Enter to get the total of 39787.
To create the formula: Type =SUM in a cell, followed by an opening parenthesis (.
To enter the first formula range, which is called an argument (a piece of data the formula needs to run), type A2:A4 (or select cell A2 and drag through cell A6).
Type a comma (,) to separate the first argument from the next.
Type the second argument, C2:C3 (or drag to select the cells).
Like this,
So, enter this formula inside the cell: =B2+B3+B4+B5 (No Spaces & Capital Letters) Press your Enter key and you should have the correct answer in cell B7.