Economy, asked by chirag5881, 1 year ago

Write the four characteristics of mode.


Answered by nawabzadi23


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Characteristics of Mode, Median and Mean

No. Mode Median Mean


It is the most frequent value in the distribution; it is the point of greatest density.

It is the value of the middle point of the array (not midpoint of range), such that half the item are above and half below it.

It is the value in a given aggregate which would obtain if all the values were equal.


The value of the mode is established by the predominant frequency, not by the value in the distribution.

The value of the media is fixed by its position in the array and doesn't reflect the individual value.

The sum of deviations on either side of the mean are equal; hence, the algebraic sum of the deviation is equal zero.


It is the most probable value, hence the most typical.

The aggregate distance between the median point and all the value in the array is less than from any other point.

It reflect the magnitude of every value.


A distribution may have 2 or more modes. On the other hand, there is no mode in a rectangular distribution.

Answered by saxenakamini760


  1. it is the most frequent value in the distribution it is the point of greatest density
  2. the value of the mode is established by the predominant frequency not by the value in the distribution
  3. what is the most probable value hencethe most tropical
  4. distribution may have two or more modes modes on the other hand there is no mode in a rectangular distribution
  5. the mode is not reflect the degree of modality
  6. it cannot be manipulated algebraically mode of subgroup cannot be combined
  7. it is unstable that it is influenced by group in producers
  8. values must be ordered and group for its computation
  9. it can be calculated when table ends are open
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