Write the functions of two upper chambers of human heart 0 biology
specifically right auricle recieves deoxygenated blood from the body parts and pumps to right ventricle which is transported to the lungs.
the oxygenated blood from the lungs enters into the left auricle and pumped into the left ventricle which is then sent to the other body parts.
The human heart consist of four chambers.T he upper chamber is called an atrium (or auricle), and the lower chamber is called a ventricle.
Circulation form the body comes in through the vena cava into the upper right chamber (atrium) which then only needs to pump into the ventricle. The purpose of the atria is to have blood ready to go into the ventricles to ensure good filling. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and so is the smaller of the two ventricles; the blood returns to the left atria, which then feeds the left ventricle, which pumps blood to the body.
By the time the blood completes a circuit and returns to the heart, it is at low pressure and low flow. The function of the upper chambers, the atria, is to more efficiently prime the lower chambers, the ventricles, which pump the blood through the lungs and the body. In the absence of atrial function, cardiac output is decreased but still enough to maintain routine activities.