Write the general characters of kingdom Monera
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Monera are about 1 micrometer in size and complex as living molecules.
The Monera cell structure is mostly unicellular and some organisms orm groups or filaments.
These organisms are the simplest prokaryotic cell structures.
The cell structure lacks nuclei and many other cell organelles.
They have a cell wall made of polysaccharides with polypeptide cross links with a chemical called peptidoglycan.
They lack enclosed sub-cellular organelles like mitochondria and only have ribosomes.
The genetic material DNA is contained in the cytoplasm called nucleoid.
Many bacterial species contain rings of DNA called plasmids.
The cytoplasm is enclosed by plasma membrane that lies beneath the cell wall.
The plasma membrane is made up of lipids and proteins.
Some Monera have hair like pilli for adhesion or tail-like flagella for locomotion.
The source of nutrition for these organisms is usually photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
The characteristics also include the shape of the cell that includes round (cocci), rod-like (bacilli), or spiral (spirochetes or spirilla).
Reproduction is asexually through binary fission or sexually by conjugation. The process of circulation and digestion is carried out through diffusion.
The Monera kingdom includes all bacteria that may infect animals, humans, and plants. But most of the members are termed as beneficial bacteria, rather than pathogenic bacteria.
The Monera cell structure is mostly unicellular and some organisms orm groups or filaments.
These organisms are the simplest prokaryotic cell structures.
The cell structure lacks nuclei and many other cell organelles.
They have a cell wall made of polysaccharides with polypeptide cross links with a chemical called peptidoglycan.
They lack enclosed sub-cellular organelles like mitochondria and only have ribosomes.
The genetic material DNA is contained in the cytoplasm called nucleoid.
Many bacterial species contain rings of DNA called plasmids.
The cytoplasm is enclosed by plasma membrane that lies beneath the cell wall.
The plasma membrane is made up of lipids and proteins.
Some Monera have hair like pilli for adhesion or tail-like flagella for locomotion.
The source of nutrition for these organisms is usually photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
The characteristics also include the shape of the cell that includes round (cocci), rod-like (bacilli), or spiral (spirochetes or spirilla).
Reproduction is asexually through binary fission or sexually by conjugation. The process of circulation and digestion is carried out through diffusion.
The Monera kingdom includes all bacteria that may infect animals, humans, and plants. But most of the members are termed as beneficial bacteria, rather than pathogenic bacteria.
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General characteristics of kingdom Monera :
- It includes all prokaryotic organisms.
- All are unicellular.
- These have no well defined nucleus. DNA lies freely in cytoplasm, which is called nucleoid, prochromosome or incipient nucleus.
- The cell wall is made up of peptidoglycon.
- The organelles are absent except ribosomes.
- Extra chromosomal DNA called plasmid may occur. But number of plasmid may vary.
- Members of monera may occur in different forms : cocus, bacillus, vibrio, spirillum.
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