Write the impact of Second World War
Effects of World War 2
Effects on major powers
Germany was totally defeated and the United Nations rose in power and finance.
Japan was in ruins due to the extensive bombing, especially at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
England was devastated by war. England rapidly phased out most of its remaining imperial holdings in the years immediately following the war.
France also dismantled its colonies. England and France no longer held a status of power comparable either to the United States or the Soviet Union.
Effects on science and technology:
The capture of key technologies like the V2 and V3 rockets from Nazi Germany led to a direct race between the US and USSR to get out of the world in a hurry.
The development of the atomic bomb by European and American scientists during the war, not only transformed the nature of potential future wars, it marked the beginning of the nuclear power industry.
In October 1945, the United Nations was officially established with full support and leadership of the United States to maintain peace which was overthrown during the world war.
Major economic powers met to create an International Monetary Fund.
World War II was one of the transformative events of the 20th century, causing the death of 3 per cent of the world's population. Deaths in Europe totalled 39 million people half of them, civilians. Six years of ground battles and bombing resulted in widespread devastation of homes and physical capital.