write the importance of latitude and latitude
1)latitude lines are are circle the globe in an east -west direction. these lines are also called as parallel lines.
2) latitudes measure how far north or south a point lies from the equator.
3) the equator is at zero degrees latitude ane seperates earth's northern and southern hemispher .
4) locations north of the equator have latitudes between zero degrees and 90 degrees N.
5) locations of south of the equator have latitudes between 0 degrees and 90 degrees S.
1)longitude lies run from the north pole to the south pole.
2)this measure that how fast east or west a point on earth lies from the prime meridian.
These lines allow you to quickly and accurately locate places and features on the earth's surface. Latitude and longitude also play an important role in determining times and dates." Latitude: Lines of latitude are imaginary lines that run in an east-west (side-to-side) direction around the earth
Important lines of Latitude:
Arctic Circle
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
Antarctic Circle
Lines of longitude run in a north-south direction (up and down). They are NOT parallel to one another, but pass through both the North and South poles. Any number of these lines can be drawn but they all meet at the poles. These imaginary lines are called Meridians of Longitude. The most important line of longitude is the Prime Meridian (0 degrees) which passes through Greenwich, England. All other lines of longitude are located east or west of this line.