write the iupac name of
IUPAC name is 4,5 - dimethyl - hex - 2 - ene .
We have bond line structure.
- We will write it's condensed formula for writing IUPAC name .
It's Condensed structural formula is given in attachment.
Steps how we have write the IUPAC name :
Step 1 :
First we have selected the longest carbon parent chain. [See in attachment ]
Step 2 :
We have done the numbering of chain from that end, from which multiple bonds [Can be double bond and triple bond] come first. (See in attachment)
Step 3 :
Then we know rule of writting IUPAC name that is :
Prefixes (For side chain) + Root word (For parent chain) + Primary suffixes (-ane, -ene and -yne)
Here, there are two side chains of methyl attached to the fourth and fifth carbons of parent chain.
So, Prefix is 4,5 dimethyl [There are two methyl so we can say it dimethyl ]
The parent chain consists of six carbon atoms :
So, Root word is Hex .
In this, there is a double bond on second and third carbon atom. We will write number of first occurred carbon atom of double bond.
So, P. Suffixe is 2 - ene
Now, Add them :
→ 4,5 - dimethyl - hex - 2 - ene .
IUPAC name is 4,5 - dimethyl - hex - 2 - ene .