write the landscape strategies to be implemented for growing native plants
When it comes to landscape plants, there are a few old standbys that gardeners everywhere seem to rely on. Japanese red maples, with their colorful leaves, are a favorite. Hybrid tea roses and yellow forsythia bushes add a splash of color. For ground covers, Japanese pachysandra and English ivy are popular choices.
Aside from looking nice, all these plants have one other thing in common: they’re not native to North America. They have their origins in Europe or East Asia – as you can tell in some cases from their names – and were imported to this country by settlers from other parts of the world.
Native plants are not the same thing as wild plants. Some plants that grow wild, without being planted and cultivated, are actually species that were originally brought to the area by humans. Some were deliberately introduced into the area for human use, while others were brought there accidentally – for example, as seeds clinging to people’s clothing.
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