English, asked by Abubakar5235, 1 year ago

Write the letter to editor of the hidustan times regarding the management of daily routine of today generation


Answered by tejasvinikardekar85

15, Navkunj Apartments


7 March 20XX

The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi

Sub: Traffic Congestion caused by Roadside Vendors


Through the columns of your newspaper I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the appalling condition of the roads leading to the main market.

The entire stretch is full of people. All sorts of traffic can be seen here. Roadside vendors occupy most of the space on roads. They cover the pavements and leave no room for parking. What is worse, they occupy at least one third of the road and disturb the flow of traffic. The worst hit are the pedestrians. They are virtually caught between the devil and the deep sea. Moving on the road has become a nightmare for them.

We have already brought this problem to the notice of municipal authorities, but no tangible action has been taken so far. I think that certain steps are essential. The vendors must be issued licence and allotted specific space. Those who break the rules must be fined.

Prompt action on the part of the authorities will curb this problem and make the flow of traffic free and safe for the citizens.

Yours faithfully,


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