Write the Logo commands to draw the alphabet H.
FD 20
RT 180
FD 10
LT 90
FD 10
RT 90
FD 10
RT 180
FD 10
FD 10
Logo commands to draw the alphabet H are:
FD 20 - Forward by 20 units
RT 180 - Right turn by 180 degrees
PU - Penup means the turtle will leave the ink on the screen i.e. draw a line.
FD 10 - Forward by 10 units
LT 90 - Left turn by 90 degrees
PD - Pendown means the turtle will not drop any more ink i.e. the turtle will not draw any line.
FD 10 - Forward by 10 units
RT 90 - Right turn by 180 degrees
FD 10 - Forward by 10 units
RT 180 - Right turn by 180 degrees
PU - Penup draw a line.
FD 10 - Forward by 10 units
PD - Pendown means the turtle will not drop any more ink.
FD 10 - Forward by 10 units