write the lsummary of concepts and of scratch programming : 4 keyboard input
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Write the summary of concepts and of scratch programming.
The Scratch interface is divided into three main sections:
- a stage area
- block p alette
- a coding area
Users may also create their own co de blocks and they will appear in "My B locks".
Tq Sis
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In the process of creating interactive stories, games, and animations with Scratch, young people can learn important computational skills and concepts. ... They can also learn specific programming concepts, such as sequences, iteration, conditionals, variables, and data structures.
This is most likely caused by the NumLock function being enabled . Then Num lock remaps these keys to function as a virtual numeric keypad, causing numbers to appear when buttons such as M, J, K, L, U, I, O is pressed. ... In order to disable the NumLock function just press Shift + ScrLk button on your keyboard.
Best of Fluck dear..
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