English, asked by daimaryhangma63, 8 months ago

write the main objective of planning in india​


Answered by KhataranakhKhiladi2

(a) Economic Growth - Attainment of higher rate of economic growth received topmost priority in almost all the Five Year Plans of the country.

(b) Attaining Economic Equality and Social Justice - Reduction of economic inequalities and eradication of poverty are the second group of objective of almost all the Five Year Plans of our country particularly since the Fourth Plan.

(c) Achieving Full Employment - Five Year Plans of India gave importance on the subject to employment generation since the Third Plan.

(d) Attaining Economic Self-Reliance - One of the very important objectives of Indian Planning is to attain economic self-reliance.

(e) Modernisation of Various Sectors - Another very important objective of Five Year Plans of our country was the modernisation of various sectors and more specifically the modernisation of agricultural and industrial sectors.

(f) Redressing Imbalances in the Economy - Regional disparities and imbalances in the economy have become so acute in India that it needed special attention in our Five Year Plans.

Answered by vr041876


a)economic growth.

b)Attaining economic

c)achieving full employment

d)Attaing economic self reliance

e)modernisation of various sectors

f)re dressing imbalance in the economy

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