English, asked by laxmiikoirala302, 2 months ago

write the meaning and word class of the following words. then use them in sentences of your own. 1) implore 2) despair 3)beseech 4)eloquent 5) whirl 6)egoism 7)agony 8)delirious 9)delusive 10)compensate 11)mortgage 12)brood 13)prelude​


Answered by niyamjain071


implore - beg/prey (verb)

He implored me to finish my work on time.

despair - a state in which all hope is lost or absent (noun)

She put her face in her hands to hide the despair it would show.

beseech - ask for or request earnestly/press (verb)

I will fall at his feet and beseech him.

eloquent - speaking readily, clearly, and effectively (adjective)

He is said to have been a good talker and an eloquent preacher.

whirl - move or cause to move rapidly round and round (verb)

Clothes were whirling in the washing machine.

egoism - concern for your own interests and welfare (noun)

His egoism prevented him from really loving anyone but himself.

agony - intense feelings of suffering/acute mental or physical pain (noun)

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

She screamed in agony.

delirious - experiencing delirium/unable to think clearly because of high temperature (fever) or mental confusion (adjective)

He is so delirious he doesn’t know where he is.

I was delirious and blacked out several times.

delusive - inappropriate to reality or facts/false (adjective)

The feelings of security provided by guns may be delusive. 

compensate - adjust for/correct (verb)

Water-power and petrol largely compensate for the lack of coal.

mortgage - an agreement that allows one to borrow money from a bank or similar organisation (noun)

He will have to take out a mortgage in order to buy the house.

brood - a family of birds or other young animals produced at one hatching or birth (noun)

Fear seemed to brood over the children’s mind. 

prelude - an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important (noun)

His remark was merely a prelude to a lecture. 

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