Write the meanings in front of the terms: I) Sawars - II) Matchlocks – III) Subservience
The zat was a rank conferred by the king on the mansabdar, whereas the sawar was a count of horsemen that were to be maintained.
a type of gun with a lock in which a piece of wick or cord is placed for igniting the powder. ( match lock )
willingness to obey others unquestioningly.
( Subservience )
Sawar meaningin English is Equestrian and Sawar or Equestrian synonym is Horseman. Similar words of Equestrian includes as Equestrian and Equestrianism, where Sawar translation in Urdu is سوار. Equestrian.a slow-burning match lowered over a hole in the breech of a musket to ignite the charge. 2 : a musket equipped with a matchlock.adjective. serving or acting in a subordinate capacity; subordinate. servile; excessively submissive; obsequious: subservient persons;subservient conduct. useful in promoting a purpose or end.