Biology, asked by ishujain8750, 3 months ago

write the name of four protein and its function​


Answered by Anonymous

Types and Functions of Proteins

Proteins perform essential functions throughout the systems of the human body. These long chains of amino acids are critically important for:

catalyzing chemical reactions

synthesizing and repairing DNA

transporting materials across the cell

receiving and sending chemical signals

responding to stimuli

providing structural support

Proteins (a polymer) are macromolecules composed of amino acid subunits (the monomers ). These amino acids are covalently attached to one another to form long linear chains called polypeptides, which then fold into a specific three-dimensional shape. Sometimes these folded polypeptide chains are functional by themselves. Other times they combine with additional polypeptide chains to form the final protein structure. Sometimes non-polypeptide groups are also required in the final protein. For instance, the blood protein hemogobin is made up of four polypeptide chains, each of which also contains a heme molecule, which is ring structure with an iron atom in its center.

Proteins have different shapes and molecular weights, depending on the amino acid sequence. For example, hemoglobin is a globular protein, which means it folds into a compact globe-like structure, but collagen, found in our skin, is a fibrous protein, which means it folds into a long extended fiber-like chain. You probably look similar to your family members because you share similar proteins, but you look different from strangers because the proteins in your eyes, hair.

Structure of human hemoglobin. The proteins’ α and β subunits are in red and blue, and the iron-containing heme groups in green. From the protein data base.

Because form determines function, any slight change to a protein’s shape may cause the protein to become dysfunctional. Small changes in the amino acid sequence of a protein can cause devastating genetic diseases such as Huntington’s disease or sickle cell anemia.


Answered by Anonymous


Protein is crucial to good health.

In fact, the name comes from the Greek word proteos, meaning “primary” or “first place.”

Proteins are made up of amino acids that join together to form long chains. You can think of a protein as a string of beads in which each bead is an amino acid.

There are 20 amino acids that help form the thousands of different proteins in your body.

Proteins do most of their work in the cell and perform various jobs.

Here are important functions of protein in your body.


1. Growth and Maintenance

2. Causes Biochemical Reactions

3. Acts as a Messenger

4. provide structure....

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