Write the name of fragrant flower and its usage
Jasmine is one of the most popular fragrant flowers from the tropical regions, popular through out the world. It comes in over 200 varieties, including hybrids. The blossoms are usually small, night-blooming, and have great fragrance. Jasmine is particularly popular in many Asian countries. In India, it is considered sacred and usually used to make decorative garlands for weddings and other ceremonies.
Jasmine tea is a very popular tea from ancient China, which has a very nice scent that can relax and refresh you with an instant calming effect.
Jasmines are considered as the most fragrant flowers and also their white delicate flowers are used to make perfume. The most fragrant flowers that you can grow in your home garden are Jasmines. Some people love to plant jasmine outside the bedroom window and night air drift this fragrance inside the room.