write the name of leaders in Zimbabwe since 1980 why cannot his rule be democratic
The ruler who has been ruling Zimbabwe since the 1980's is Robert Mugabe.
He is one the people who has been ruling for a very long time. He came into power through an African National Union movement and was one of the key negotiators in the 1979 Lancaster House Agreement as well.
However, his government and country are not considered to be a proper legitimate democratic one, due to the following reasons:-
1- A democratic society is the one in which the government is elected for the people and by the people. But the case over here is that despite elections being held every year only one party wins.
2- In every democratic society there is the ability of freedom of speech. This is because in a dictatorship saying anything against the state used to be considered as treason. Since, in Zimbabwe people don't have the liberty of complete freedom of speech it may be considered not to be fully democratic
Emmerson Mnangagwa - Leader of Zimbabwe
Canaan Sodindo Banana - President,Methodist minister,Theologian,Politician
Zimbabwe has been marked by a move from the norms of democratic governance
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