write the name of the micro -organism which has taken the form of epidemic in the whole world?
A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "people") is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people. A widespread endemic disease with a stable number of infected people is not a pandemic. Widespread endemic diseases with a stable number of infected people such as recurrences of seasonal influenza are generally excluded as they occur simultaneously in large regions of the globe rather than being spread worldwide.
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[ Virus ]
Virus having a types as Coronavirus has become a world wide epidemic or simply pandemic .
Micro - organisms are the organisms that can only be seen under a microscope and never with naked eye . They are broadly classified into four types on the basis of their nutrition , cell type , etc.
The types of microorganisms are :
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Algae
- Protozoa
|| ★ || Bacteria || ★ ||
- Prokaryotic
- Unicellular
- Many shapes such as rod , round, spiral and coma .
- Show the presence of cell wall
|| ★ || Algae || ★ ||
- Eukaryotic
- Autotrophic
- Presence of cell wall
|| ★ || Fungi || ★ ||
- Eukaryotic
- Saprophytic
- May or may not be unicellular
|| ★ || Protozoa || ★ ||
- Eukaryotic
- Heterotrophic
- No cell wall