English, asked by vpagrawal7406, 6 months ago

write the names of any three birds and write characteristics of their nests


Answered by dhyanapatel2010



The simplest nest construction is the scrape, which is merely a shallow depression in soil or vegetation. This nest type, which typically has a rim deep enough to keep the eggs from rolling away, is sometimes lined with bits of vegetation, small stones, shell fragments or feathers.

examples :- falcons, pheasants, quail, partridges, bustards and sandgrouse


Several megapode species construct enormous mound nests made of soil, branches, sticks, twigs and leaves, and lay their eggs within the rotting mass. The heat generated by these mounds, which are in effect giant compost heaps, warms and incubates the eggs.

examples :- malleefowl , flamingos


Soil plays a different role in the burrow nest; here, the eggs and young—and in most cases the incubating parent bird—are sheltered under the earth. Most burrow-nesting birds excavate their own burrows, but some use those excavated by other species and are known as secondary nesters.

examples :-  Puffins, shearwaters, some megapodes, motmots, todies, most kingfishers,

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