English, asked by mahendrabhawale, 4 months ago

write the paragharph on the need for recreation


Answered by mariajohanmariajohan


Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. The "need to do something for recreation" is an essential element of human biology and psychology. Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be "fun"

Answered by Anonymous


hope it helps


Time which is required to fake actions which one is compelled to take for one reason or another maybe thought of as work is compulsory where as recreation is voluntary. When the work is largely physical, it seeks counter balancing recreation of a mental character. But when the duties are mental in nature one needs physical recreation.

As recreation is determined by motivation, it is the motivational factor that makes given activity recreation for one person and work for another. Depending upon motive, an activity can be both work and recreation to a person at different times under different conditions.

When the work is enjoyable does not make it recreation, till the element of compulsion is present in work. When one is tired and both physically and “mentally fatigue by doing work, he seeks recreation and it is recreation which releases mental tension and wipes out the feeling of fatigue. That is why in the time table for different stages of education short periods for. Recreations are provided. The purpose of this recreation is to give mental relaxation to the students after a long period of mental exercise in the class room and provides impetus for further learning.

However, the importance of some form of recreation ill the field of education cannot be minimized. Because the urge for recreation is fundamental and universal. It is inbound in every individual and which cannot be suppressed. With this end in view music, dramatics, arts, crafts, sports etc. have been introduced in the curriculum.

School authorities should take definite interest in the week end activity for school age boys and girls. Using the school plant as a youth centre on weekends and directing a larger number of the school population towards whole some recreation are excellent ideas, the school affords natural environment for this purpose.

Activities for recess period, lunch hours, school bus waits and rainy day session should be provided. Athletic leagues, dramatic contests, music festivals and arts and crafts exhibits which create interests in students should be properly organized.

So recreation programmers should be better balanced and more carefully related to the physiological and psycho­logical needs, interests, satisfactions and capabilities of individuals and groups. Recreation as a method of teaching should find its way especially in to the elementary and secondary school systems.

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