write the pigments present in actin and myosin.
Contraction of the muscle depends on the presence of contractile proteins such as actin and myosin in the myofilaments.
The thick filaments
✱ The thick filaments are composed of the protein myosin which are bundled together whose heads produce at opposite ends of the filament.
✱ Each myosin molecule is made up of a monomer called meromyosin.
✱ The meromyosin has two regions , globular head with the short arm and a tail .
✱ The short arm constitutes the heavy meromyosin ( HMM) .
✱ The tail portion forms the light meromyosin (LMM).
✱ The head bears an actin-binding site and an ATP - binding site.
✱ It also contains ATPase enzyme that split ATP to generate energy for the contraction of muscle.
The thin filaments
✱ The thin filaments are composed of two interwined actin molecule.
✱ Actin has polypeptide subunits called globular actin or G-actin and filamentous form or F- actin.
✱ Each thin filament is made of two F-actin helically wound to each other.
✱ Each F- actin is a polymer of monomeric G-actin.
✱ It also contains a binding site for myosin.
✱ The thin filaments also contain several regulatory proteins like tropomyosin and troponin which help in regulating the contraction of muscles along with actin and myosin.