write the postulate of werners theory of coordination
- All elemnts have two types of valency:
1 primary valency : oxidation no.
2 secondary valency : coordination no.
- All elements have tendency to satisfy both of these values
primary valencies are satisfied during chemical bond formation (complete its covalency)
Cu²+ + So₄²- will gives you CuSo₄ and here Cu satisfy the primary valency...
secondary valencies are satisfied by coordination bond formation . By accepting lone pair of electron.
- the species attached to primary valency have no fix position in space they adjust themselves in such a way that they posses minimum repulsion .
- the speices attached to sec valency have fix position...
hope this will help you...
( a ) A metal shows two kinds of valencies viz primary valency and secondary valency.Negative ionssatisfy primary valenciesand secondaryvalencies are filled by bothneutral ions and negative ions.
( b ) A metal ion has a fixed amount of secondary valencies about the central atom. These valenciesalso orient themselves in a particular direction in the space provided to the definite geometry of the coordination compound.
( c ) Secondary valencies cannot be ionized , while primary valencies can usually be ionized.