Write the prime factors of 216, 150 and 200 using factor tree method.
3. Check the divisibility of a number 68709 by 9 using the rule of divisibility.
4. Check the divisibility of a number 20994 by 2, 4 and 8 using the rule of divisibility.
5. Find the HCF of 324, 576, and 784 using long division method.
6. Write down all the multiples of 12 that are between 62 and 100.
7. Find the HCF of 108, 288 and 360 using prime factorisation method.
8. Find the lowest common multiple of 40, 56 and 60 using short division method.
9. Find the lowest common multiple of 28, 40 and 77 using prime factorisation method.
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A number aa is divisible by the number bb if a \div ba÷b has a remainder of zero (00). For example, 15 divided by 3 is exactly 5 which implies that its remainder is zero. We then say that 15 is divisible by 3.
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