Chemistry, asked by riyakutlehria7413, 7 months ago

Write the procedure and observation of an experiement to prove that air has mass by using the materials given in the box. Two balloons, scale, cello tape, thread, pin.


Answered by jaiaurovill1976

Answer:Science is a way of looking at things, a way of questioning and of figuring out answers by

thinking, by trying them out (experimenting), and by reading about other people’s

experiences and experiments.

A scientist is a person who tries to understand and to find the answers to some of our

questions about the physical world.

You too can be a scientist. To begin, don’t take everything for granted. Start to question

the world around you by performing the experiments in this book. Set aside a special corner

or shelf for your odds and ends of equipment. Ordinary shoeboxes make good storage


You can perform the experiments safely by following directions and using simple care.

(You can get burnt by drinking an ordinary cup of hot chocolate carelessly!) The

experiments on electricity call for the use of storage batteries or dry cells. It is never

necessary and it is dangerous to use house current. If you are not yet able to cook an egg

over the stove, ask an older friend or adult to help you with those few experiments that

require a candle or other source of heat. Always keep a basin of cold water handy.

If an experiment fails to work, try it again—and find out why it failed the first time.

Sometimes you can learn more from failure than from success.

While you may start with an experiment from any chapter, it is best to concentrate on one

chapter at a time and perform, most of the experiments, preferably in the order given, before

you go on to another topic. The experiments are not meant to be tricks with which to amaze

yourself and your friends (though they may do that, tool), but to provide experiences and to

illustrate scientific principles. The world of fact, you will find, can be more exciting than the

world of fancy.




Stuff a large handkerchief or some crumpled

newspaper into an empty glass or jar. Make sure

the handkerchief won’t fall out when you turn the

glass upside down.

Then, fill a pot with water. Holding the glass so

that its mouth is down, put the glass deep into the

pot of water and hold it there. After a minute or

two, pull the glass out of the water and remove the


You will see that: The handkerchief is dry.

Explanation: Water cannot fill the glass because

the glass is already ~lled with air. The “empty”

glass is full of air. So, air takes up space.

Air is a gas. It has no size or shape of its own but

will fill every space it can.

Place a funnel in the neck of an empty soda bottle.

Pack clay around the neck of the bottle so that there is

no space between the bottle and the funnel.

Pour water into the funnel. Notice what happens.

Then take the clay off the bottle and funnel.

You will see that: While the clay is there, the water

remains in the funnel or enters the bottle only in slow

spurts. When the clay is removed, the water flows

freely into the bottle.

Explanation: The clay seals the neck of the bottle

outside of the funnel. When water flows into the

funnel, the air cannot escape except by going through

the water very slowly. The air in the bottle takes up

space and prevents the water from coming in. When

the clay is removed and air is able to leave around the

neck of the bottle, then water can flow in. This proves

that air takes up space.



Drill holes (or make notches) 6 inches from each end of a narrow 3-foot length of

wood, such as a yardstick. Then, make a hole in the exact center of the stick, 18 inches

from each end. Place a cord or wire through the center hole and suspend the stick

from a chair back or a rod.

Blow up a large balloon or beach ball. Tie its mouth tight and hang it from one of the

end holes of the stick. Then, suspend a small can or box (such as a baking powder

container ) from the other hole. (See illustration.) Put a little sand or rice in the can until

the stick balances.

Then, let the air out of the balloon.

You will see that: The can sinks down as the air is let out of the balloon.

Explanation: When the air leaves the balloon, the balloon becomes lighter. Air has


At sea level, air weighs 1.25 ounces per cubic foot. (See if you can find a carton, or

stack up books, to measure 1 foot wide, 1 foot long and 1 foot deep. Then you will

know the space taken up by 1~ ounces of air. ) On a mountaintop, air is a little thinner

and weighs less.

Balance an “empty” baby bottle on one

end of your yardstick and a tin can on the

other. Put sand or rice in the can if needed.

Hold a candle flame for one minute near

the mouth of the bottle. Remove the flame

and balance the scale again.

You will see that: The bottle goes up when

heat is applied to the air in it. You must

remove sand or rice from the can on the

other end to balance the scale.

Explanation: Warm air weighs less than

cold air occupying the same space.


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