Write the qualities to being a perfect person?❤️⭐❤️⭐❤️⭐❤️⭐❤️⭐❤️⭐❤️⭐❤️⭐
1. talk politely
2. be honest
3. try do do hard work
hope it's helpful to you
Perfection” to a good extent, especially when it comes to metaphysical conception, is dependent on the angle from which you come to perceive things (worlds, yourself ,etc). So unlike some comments above, I do not think having a PhD in a field or two, having all the money in the world so on so forth, will ‘necessarily’ make one “perfect”. If you have some knowledge in areas like psychology, philosophy and mysticism, and if you think a little profoundly you’ll come to see what is “perfect for you”. Having said that, “perfection” (the way I approach it) is dependent on who you are (your past, attributes, beliefs,…). Therefore, you should be looking for a specific formulation of it which fits YOU (and not necessarily others too).