English, asked by meaditi0311, 6 months ago

write the related words of word ' dance ' adverbs​


Answered by Sonalsinghrajput

Adverbs that start with a

Adverbs starting with the letter A are listed here. Many kinds of adverbs are included which can be useful for creating interesting sentences.

aback, abaft, abaxially, abeam, abed, abjectly, ablaze, ably, abnormally, aboard, abominably, aborad, abortively, about, above, aboveboard, abreast, abroad, abroade, abruptly, absently, absentmindedly, absolutely, abstemiously, abstractedly, abstractly, abstrusely, absurdly, abundantly, abusively, abysmally.

academically, accelerando, acceptably, accidentally, accommodatingly, according, accordingly, accurately, accusingly, acourse, acoustically, across, actively, actually, actuarially, acutely.

adagio, adamantly, adaxially, additionally, adequately, adjectivally, adjectively, administratively, admirably, admiringly, admittedly, adorably, adoringly, adrift, adroitly, adulterously, advantageously, adverbially, adversely, advertently, advisedly.

aerially, aesthetically.

afar, affably, affectedly, affectingly, affectionately, affirmatively, afield, afloat, afoot, aforesaid, aforethought, afresh, aft, after, afterward, afterwards.

again, against, agayne, aggravatingly, aggressively, agilely, agin, ago, agonizingly, agreeably, agriculturally, aground.

ahead, ahorse, ahorseback.

aimlessly, airily.



alarmingly, alas, alee, alertly, alfresco, algebraically, alias, alike, all, allegedly, allegorically, allegretto, allegro, alliteratively, allowably, allso, almost, aloft, alone, along, alongside, aloof, aloud, alphabetically, alreadeh, already, alright, also, alternately, alternatively, altogether, altruistically, always.

amain, amateurishly, amazingly, ambiguously, ambitiously, amiably, amicably, amidship, amidships, amiss, amok, amorally, amorously, amorphously, amply, amuck, amusedly, amusingly.

anachronistically, analogously, analytically, anarchically, anatomically, anciently, andante, anesthetically, anew, angelically, angrily, anhydrously, animatedly, anisotropically, annoyingly, annually, anomalously, anon, anonymously, antagonistically, ante, antecedently, anteriorly, anticlockwise, antithetically, anxiously, any, anyhow, anymore, anyplace, anytime, anyway, anyways, anywhere.

apace, apart, apathetically, apiece, apologetically, appallingly, apparently, appealingly, appositively, appraisingly, appreciably, appreciatively, apprehensively, appropriately, approvingly, approximately, apropos, aptly.

arbitrarily, architecturally, archly, ardently, arduously, arguably, argumentatively, aright, aristocratically, arithmetically, around, arrogantly, artfully, articulately, artificially, artistically, artlessly.

as, asap, ascetically, asea, ashamedly, ashore, aside, askance, askew, aslant, asleep, assertively, assiduously, associatively, assuredly, astern, astonishingly, astraddle, astray, astride, astronomically, astutely, asunder, asymmetrically, asymptotically.

athwart, atonally, atop, atrociously, attentively, attractively, attributively, atypically.

audaciously, audibly, aurally, auspiciously, austerely, authentically, authoritatively, autocratically, automatically.

avariciously, avidly, avowedly.

awake, away, awaye, awful, awfully, awhile, awkwardly, awry.

axially, axiomatically.


There are lots of other useful posts on Adverb1.com to explore which are similar to the above A adverbs list but which start with different letters for example.

Answered by mhppurohit


What is the adverb of dance?

In a dancing way; with dancelike movements.

Hope it helps..!

Follow me Plzz.....!

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