write the role of middle class in france revolution
In the 18th century, the middle class emerged as a new group in the society of France. This group was comprised of people of various occupation such as lawyer, traders, merchants and administrative officials etc. This group was against the ideas of the monarchy; that granted privileges on the basis of birth. However, they gave more value to the qualities of a person. Merit should be the base of the social position of a person. The middle class gave a platform to the people who were fighting against the increasing taxes and food shortage. They were encouraged by the beliefs of equality and democracy proposed by English and French socio-political philosophers. These beliefs spread among the people as a consequence of intense conversation and discussions in coffee houses, salons through pamphlets and newspapers.
the thinkers
they wanted change in france and they were the people witb ideasfor what france should look like more sepration between the church and state fairer taxation a constitutional monarchy some were more radical then others but this group was generally composed by peoples who had planned for revolutionary