Science, asked by harsh11122222, 9 months ago

write the short form of motion all concepts plzz. eg. displacement short form is u and time short form is t.. ​


Answered by Anonymous

Absement A Measure of sustained displacement: the first integral of displacement m s L T vector

Absorbed dose rate Absorbed dose received per unit of time Gy s−1 L2 T−3

Speed a→ Product of the speed or velocity and unit time m s−2 L T−2 vector

Angular acceleration α Change in angular speed or velocity per unit time rad s−2 T−2

Angular momentum L Measure of the extent and direction an object rotates about a reference point kg m2 s−1 M L2 T−1 conserved quantity, pseudovector

Angular speed (or angular velocity) ω The angle incremented in a plane by a segment connecting an object and a reference point per unit time rad s−1 T−1 scalar or pseudovector

Area J Extent of a surface m2 L2 scalar

Area density ρA Mass per unit area kg m−2 M L−2

Capacitance C Stored charge per unit electric potential farad (F = A2 s4 kg−1 m−2) M−1 L−2 T4 I2 scalar

Catalytic activity Change in reaction rate due to presence of a catalyst katal (kat = mol s−1) T−1 N

Catalytic activity concentration Change in reaction rate due to presence of a catalyst per unit volume of the system kat m−3 L−3 T−1 N

Chemical potential μ Energy per unit change in amount of substance J mol−1 M L2 T−2 N−1 intensive

Crackle c→ Change of jounce per unit time: the fifth time derivative of position m s−5 L T−5 vector

Current density J → Electric current per unit cross-section area A m−2 L−2 I vector

Dose equivalent H Received radiation adjusted for the effect on biological tissue sievert (Sv = m2 s−2) L2 T−2

Dynamic viscosity η Measure for the resistance of an incompressible fluid to stress Pa s M L−1 T−1

Electric charge Q The force per unit electric field strength ampere (C = A s) T I extensive, conserved quantity

Electric charge density ρQ Electric charge per unit volume C m−3 L−3 T I intensive

Electric displacement D Strength of the electric displacement C m−2 L−2 T I vector field

Electric field strength E→ Strength of the electric field V m−1 M L T−3 I−1 vector field

Electrical conductance G Measure for how easily current flows through a material siemens (S = A2 s3 kg−1 m−2) M−1 L−2 T3 I2 scalar, reproducible

Electrical conductivity σ Measure of a material's ability to conduct an electric current S m−1 M−1 L−3 T3 I2 scalar

Electric potential V Energy required to move a unit charge through an electric field from a reference point volt (V = kg m2 A−1 s−3) M L2 T−3 I−1 extensive, scalar

Electrical resistance R Electric potential per unit electric current ohm (Ω = kg m2 A−2 s−3) M L2 T−3 I−2 extensive, scalar, assumes linearity

Electrical resistivity ρ Bulk property equivalent of electrical resistance ohm metre (Ω⋅m = kg m3 A−2 s−3) M L3 T−3 I−2 intensive, scalar

Energy E Capacity of a body or system to do work joule (J = kg m2 s−2) M L2 T−2 extensive, scalar, conserved quantity

Energy density ρE Energy per unit volume J m−3 M L−1 T−2 intensive

Entropy S Logarithmic measure of the number of available states of a system J K−1 M L2 T−2 Θ−1 extensive, scalar

Force F→ Transfer of momentum per unit time newton (N = kg m s−2) M L T−2 extensive, vector

Frequency f Number of (periodic) occurrences per unit time cycles (Hz = s−1) T−1 scalar

Fuel efficiency Distance traveled per unit volume of fuel m m−3 ( = m/m3) L−2 scalar

Half-life t​1⁄2 Time for a quantity to decay to half its initial value s T

Warm Q Thermal energy joule (k) M L2 T−2

Heat capacity Cp Energy per unit temperature change J K−1 M L2 T−2 Θ−1 extensive

Heat flux density ϕQ Heat flow per unit time per unit surface area W m−2 M T−3

Illuminance Ev Luminous flux per unit surface area lux (lx = cd sr m−2) L−2 J

Impedance Z Resistance to an alternating current of a given frequency, including effect on phase ohm (Ω = kg m2 A−2 s−3) M L2 T−3 I−2 complex scalar

Impulse J Transferred momentum newton second (N⋅s = kg m s−1) M L T−1 vector

Inductance L Magnetic flux generated per unit current through a circuit henry (H = kg m2 A−2 s−2) M L2 T−2 I−2 scalar

Irradiance E Electromagnetic radiation power per unit surface area W m−2 M T−3

Intensity I Power per unit cross sectional area W m−2

Answered by Anonymous

If an object moves relative to a reference frame—for example, if a professor moves to the right relative to a whiteboard, or a passenger moves toward the rear of an airplane—then the object’s position changes. This change in position is known as displacement. The word displacement implies that an object has moved, or has been displaced.

Displacement is defined to be the change in position of an object. It can be defined mathematically with the following equation:

\text{Displacement}=\Delta x=x_f-x_0Displacement=Δx=x  






start text, D, i, s, p, l, a, c, e, m, e, n, t, end text, equals, delta, x, equals, x, start subscript, f, end subscript, minus, x, start subscript, 0, end subscript




x, start subscript, f, end subscript refers to the value of the final position.




x, start subscript, 0, end subscript refers to the value of the initial position.

\Delta xΔxdelta, x is the symbol used to represent displacement

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