Political Science, asked by mamtak81305, 11 months ago

Write the short note:
(a) Education for the girl
(b) Conscious effort to abandon untouchability​


Answered by Anonymous


If we look at the demographics, India is one of the most populated countries. However, the rate of girl education is quite low in the country. It is quite troubling to see the figures in a country where women are given the status of goddesses. The figures have significantly improved to an extent but there’s still a long way to go.

Women were not allowed to even step out of their houses in ancient India, but times are changing. Along with changing times, people’s thinking is also changing. They wish to educate their girls and see them succeed in life. However, this is not the case in rural India which makes for more than 60% of the population. We need to identify the factors responsible for such low rates of girl education to find some solutions.

Factors Contributing to Low Rate of Girl Education

There are various factors that make it impossible for girls to get an education in our country. Firstly, the poverty rate is alarming. Even though education is being made free, it still involves a substantial cost to send girls to school. Therefore, families who are struggling to make ends meet fail to pay the educational expenses of their children.

Secondly, in rural areas, there aren’t many schools. This creates a distance problem as they are located far from the villages. In some areas, students have to walk for three to four hours to reach their school. This is where the safety of the girls gets compromised so parents don’t see it fit to send them off so far.

Furthermore, the regressive thinking of the people makes it tougher for girls to get an education. Some people still believe girls are meant to stay in their houses and look after the kitchen. They do not like women to do any other tasks expect for household ones.

Other than that, social issues like child marriage and child labor also stop the girl from getting an education. Parents pull daughters out of school to marry them off at an early age. Also, when girls indulge in child labor, they do not get time to study.

Answered by Yuktirawat1981

Education is the most powerful tool if we want to change the world morally. It helps us at every stage of life and is equally important for every human being without any discrimination. We have always been serious towards educating our boys, but why do we forget the same to make available for girls? Is it not a biased decision? Girl Education is a very important topic about which we are going to read through the sets of 10 lines below. You can check them if you are interested in it.

1) Girl education is very important for the empowerment of women.

2) It reduces the infant mortality rate since a learned mother will always take good care of her child.

3) Half of the population is of women and educating them will help to attain a socio-economic development of a country.

4) Girl education also helps to eradicate the social evil of child marriage.

5) Educating a girl child can also help her to contribute to the country’s economic development.

6) An educated girl will be more concerned about hygiene and health.

7) Education gives the authority to a girl child to choose her career and support her family.

8) An educated girl will involve in the political process to be a part of decision making and raise her voice for women rights.

9) An educated woman will never fall prey to domestic violence and can raise her voice against it.

10) Girl education is very important for the uniform development of a country.

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