Sociology, asked by srihasinij, 7 months ago

Write the speech of the head girl. It must be about 100 words long. (hopefully 10 mins long).


Answered by Anonymous



All of you at this moment must be experiencing mixed emotions-pain of leaving your previous class, friends and teachers, the joy of getting promoted to the new class and excitement to face the upcoming future.  

I, being the Head girl of the school, can assure you that your journey from now onwards will be an enriching one with a lot more opportunities knocking at your doorsteps. Teachers are there to help you and guide you with the best of their abilities, seniors to assist you with their experience and friends and juniors to cheer you up.  

It is always an emotionally difficult moment to bid farewell to something or someone with whom you are associated with your heart and soul. Like our parents, who have nurtured us from our very infancy, our school also has a great role to play in defining who we are. For fourteen long years, it has nurtured us carefully so that we might become responsible citizens of tomorrow. And to be invited to share the memories on the occasion of the farewell is a special honour that shall be cherished forever.

I joined ABC Public School right in Nursery and since then it has been a long journey. As I was very small at that time, very few things are remembered but some special memories linger. For example, the long lunch break that was spent in playing games and the eagles swooping down to snatch our food as well as the kind teachers with an occasional severity, when we were mischievous. All of us shall never forget the enthusiasm during the inter school tournaments, hockey, cricket, football, basketball and athletics, when all of us were pumped up with energy, or the long hours of practice in preparation for the Annual Sports, Quiz and Debate Competitions.

None of us can ever forget the fun we used to have when teachers went to attend meetings and the senior students used to come over and manage the classes and also the time when we did the same. All of us looked forward to these opportunities because they helped us to bond with our seniors and juniors and has immensely contributed to the learning and sharing process. This is a wonderful tradition that has been kept alive by generations of students who have been part of this hallowed institution.

Our school has not only helped us to learn from books but has also taken care to enhance our skills, based on the individual aptitudes of each student and through a scientific approach.

Thus, all the students who go out into the larger world after the initial years, are equipped in every sense of the term-be it with superior language and communication skills, computers or the lab-based subjects-through continuous field-trips, laboratory and library work as well as hands-on training programmes. All these have combined together to foster a spirit of experiential learning. Consequently, a lot of values have also been instilled in us as a result. We have all realised the importance of punctuality, of team spirit, of the importance of learning something thoroughly before applying it and the importance of showing respect in order to gain respect. In fact, one of my most memorable moments was when I learnt this lesson.

This incident occurred when I was in Class 8. One of my seniors got punished for not being able to answer a simple question and I happened to laugh at him for it. The very next moment, the teacher gave me the same punishment and then I was laughed at. At that moment I learnt, albeit the hard way, how important it is to show respect in order to gain respect. And I thank not only that particular teacher but all the teachers throughout my school life for rectifying me whenever I have erred. They have been second parents to me. Their admonishments were as important as the love they showered on us. It also an important message that I would like to pass on to my juniors before leaving my second home.

As for our future, all of us have different individual plans. Some will prepare for engineering, some for medical, some will try to join the defence forces and others will try to pursue professional and academic careers as per their liking. We don't know where we will reach in the end but we will never be able to deny the influence of our school in shaping us and our lives.

Finally, I would like to this opportunity thank our Principal, administrators, all the teachers, staff members and all my juniors for this wonderful opportunity to express not only my views but also the views of the entire batch and listening to me patiently

Answered by banerjeepriti56


i everyone, my name is ******.

I’m applying for head boy for three main reasons. Number one is that I appreciate how much this school has done for me and genuinely want to give something back, secondly I want to have a positive impact on St Joseph’s and leave next year knowing I did something worthwhile for the school. The last reason I’m applying for Head Boy is that my sister said she would give me a fiver if I made a speech. So wherever you are sister, you owe me a fiver! (Sister will be in audience by the way)

Some of the things I’ve thought about for the school are:

1) I want the students to have a voice in St Joseph’s. For that we have a pupil council. The thing is, many pupils have told to me that the pupil council could be better. A lot of important decisions have been made in the school by the teachers and though the pupil council is called to meet and discuss these decisions, what we say doesn’t matter as much as it should. If you vote for me as Head Boy, I will do my best to change this and make the council more about making our opinions and thoughts matter.

2) A lot of people have told me that there isn’t much to during lunch, apart from going to one of the shops like “D’s” or “Heathers”. Pupils have told me it would be good if there were more clubs, tournaments or competitions during lunch. If that’s the case then I would definitely try and get some more of these things up and running. These could be lunchtime sports clubs like basketball or badminton or even groups like a debating group or a gaming group. Just chatting during lunch is cool but it would be nice to have other options.

3) If there is enough interest, we could even have tournaments as well the new clubs which would be on offer. For example a Euro 2012 themed football tournament, or badminton, basketball, dodgeball, competitions. We could have art competitions or photography contests. If there is enough interest in any activity I would love to organise these for you.

4) Coming back to the gaming group, we could form a group of people who know a lot about computers and gaming to maybe become a gaming group which could even develop some small, free computer games for the school.

Apart from what I’ve said, if any of you have any concerns or problems then I will be here for you. I’m quite approachable and would be happy to hear about anything that’s bothering you or any ideas or concerns you may have. If you don’t want to talk to me personally for whatever reason then I could set up some sort of communication system. The point is that I will be here for you.

I realise that, being Head Boy isn’t about being better than anyone else. It’s about having the trust of the student body to organise and represent them with honesty and enthusiasm and hopefully I will earn your trust in time.

I have the willingness and desire to listen, the ability to always work hard, yet hopefully still have a good sense of humour. Vote for me if you want your voice to be heard, your ideas to be considered and your experience in your next year at school to be the best it can be. Thanks for listening everyone.

HOPE It help and mark the brainliest and replace boy by girl

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