Computer Science, asked by rawatsrishti215, 2 months ago

Write the SQL commands to answer the queries based on Fabric table​



Answered by Equestriadash

a. To display those fabrics whose Discount is more than 10.

  • Select FName from Fabric where Disc > 10;

b. To display those records whose Type is 'Woollen'.

  • Select * from Fabric where Type = 'Woollen';

c. To modify the fabric Shirt by increasing the Discount by 10.

  • Update Fabric set Disc = Disc + 10 where FName = 'Shirt';

d. To delete the record of fabric 'F003' from the table.

  • Delete from Fabric where FabricID = 'F003';

1. Select is used to display/retrieve information from the table.

2. Where is a clause used to specify conditions.

3. Update is used to made changes to the data present in the table.

4. Delete is used to delete records from the table.

5. The asterisk (*) represents all the data from the table. If you want specific columns from the table to be displayed, you need to type the column name(s) instead.

Answered by XxITzSANIKaxX


ohh thank you for telling... dear

I'm thankful

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