write the steps to create a file on ms access 2010
1) using datasheet view
2) using design view
follow the given steps to create a file in MS access:
• by using a template:
step 1: start access. the getting started with Microsoft Office access screen appears.
step 2: click a category in the template categories pane or the from Microsoft Office online pane. icons representing local templates appear in the centre of the window.
step 3: click the icon for the template you want to use.
step 4: click the browse button. the file new database window appears.
step 5: locate the folder in which you want to store your database.
step 6: click OK.
step 7: click create. access creates and opens your database.
step 8: open the navigation pane. access displays the tables, queries, forms, reports and other objects related to the database you selected. you may wish to display the objects by type.