Write the steps to work in a script mode
It is possible to execute Python script from command line. Python program can be written by any text editor (preferably a Python aware text editor) and saved with .py extension. To write basic Hello World program using IDLE, the Python IDE shipped with standard Python distribution, open the editor choosing File->New. Type following lines and save as test.py
Print (“Hello World”)
Execute the script using following command line
C:\users>python test.py
You can also run the script from Run Menu of IDLE file editor
script mode
Script Mode. If instead you are working with more than a few lines of code, or you're ready to write an actual program, script mode is what you need. Instead of having to run one line or block of code at a time, you can type up all your code in one text file, or script, and run all the code at once.
steps :
- If you are in the standard Python shell,
- you can click "File" then
- choose "New" or simply hit "Ctrl + N" on your keyboard to open a blank script in which you can write your code.
- You can then press "Ctrl + S" to save it.
- After writing your code, you can run it by clicking "Run" then "Run Module" or simply press F5.
#Learn more :
Advantages and disadvantages of working in script mode in python