English, asked by MysticAnswerer, 1 year ago

Write the summary of oliver asks for more


Answered by HappiestWriter012
Hey there ! ^_^
Looks like I can help you 
Oliver is a small boy. His mother dies at his birth. He was taken to a orphans home. A Orphan home consists of children upto 5 years. After they complete 5 years, they have to go to workhouse, where they will be made to learn a useful trade. Time passes as he reaches 5.The day he enters the work house has come 
finally. Oliver twist is the full name of the boy.As he is new to the work house, he doesn't know the rules. From Now on let's call work house as parish. As he doesn't knew rules, he was out of the work house for a quarter of an hour. The parish board has asked to make oliver present before them. Mr.Bumble, the beadle rushes to the place of Oliver. He asks Oliver to appear before the board forthwith.Bumble walked with long strides. Oliver twist firmly grasping his gold laced cuff, trotted beside him
Oliver, as he is not educated didn't have a idea, what the live board was
He was astonished, and was not confirm that he should cry or laugh. He didn't had the time to even think about the matter Bumble directed him to a large white washed room, where a group of fat gentlemen were sitting round a table
He noticed a person who was a sitting in a arm chair rather higher than the rest. "Bow to the board " was the order delivered by bumble. Nothing seeing a board but a table,oliver was not certain to do anything

Oliver brushed two -3 tears as bumble gave a tap with a cane.He bowed to table as he didn't see any board. The board enquired the boy, and was surprised by his replies. The board finally punishes him telling to pick oaakum every morning daily at 6. Then bumble takes oliver to a large ward, where he was made to sleep on a hard, rough bed. Poor oliver sobbed himself to sleep. He layed sleeping and unconscious of things around him
The board has took a decision that would change the life of oliver and other people
The board noticed that the people were thinking that there children can be put in parish, as it feeds the children 4 times. It is just all play and no work
So they decided to issue only a thin gruel for three times a day, with a onion twice a week
The aim was that poor classes should die quickly starving outside the house, or starve gradually inside the house.The two options are too hard to expect.As the rule was passed, the number of inmates got smaller
The system was in full operation. The inmates who remained shrink in size. The boys would be given a thin gruel, which would leave them hungry. The bowls they were served never required washing as the boys suck all the gruel that have stuck there on. 
The place where they were served was a large stone hall.It had a copper bowl at one end. A master dressed in apron for the purpose of dining, and one or two women would serve the gruel at the meals. The boys will sit watching the copper bowl and wonder if they can devour the big bowl. The companions and oliver suffered the tortures of starvation for 3 months
And finally a red eyed boy who was tall for his age, warned everyone that he was so hungry. If he won't get another bowl of gruel, he would eat up the boy who would sleep beside him at night. The boys were so feared. The meeting was held to decide who would ask for more. Poor oliver was selected to ask The time arrived when the meal was served. The boys were served with gruel, the gruel disappeared in seconds. Now everyone were calling oliver with eyes. He alarmed at his own courage,went to the master. He asked "sir, I want more ". The master throwed the ladle at the oliver.He was shocked by the small rebel. He informed this to board

Mr. bumble addresses the board .
Mr. Limbkins, the main person in the board asks bumble that do I have to think he has asked for more. Yes replies Mr.bumble. The boys will be hanged says another gentlemen. He was put into instant confinement. 
Next day, there was a board at the entrance 》 "Oliver and 5 pounds were offered to any one who wants an apprentice in business, trade etc》Thus he was out of those parish 


hope helped!

Answered by DiyaDebeshee
Oliver Twist is a novel written by Charles Dickens.  The novel follows an orphan boy named Oliver through many trials and tribulations he must endure. Two of the most important were Nancy and Rose Maylie. Being a part of this group Nancy must steal from the rich in order to make money for basic necessities and keep her relationships with the crew..Brownlow and Rose where to find Oliver was punishable by death. By following through with the action of peaching, Nancy shows how much she truly cares about Oliver. Another major character in Oliver’s life was Rose Maylie. Rose Maylie was a ward of Mr. Brownlow, therefore also making her an orphan. Mr. Brownlow was an Upper Middle Class man, which made Rose and Upper Middle Class Victorian woman.  She, like many others from her social class, was well educated. She even was very talented at playing the piano. Mr. Brownlow’s grandson, Edward, wanted to marry Rose. Rose, seeing that Edward’s thinking was wrong, xpressed to him how against the idea she was; something very uncommon for that day in age. Oliver was brought into the home by Mr. Brownlow after Oliver was wrongfully accused of pick pocketing him. While Oliver is changing into clean, more appropriate clothing, Rose notices scars on Oliver’s back due to beatings. From then on Rose feel obligated to protect poor Oliver. She becomes somewhat of a sister figure to him. Throughout the novel Rose protects and defends Oliver. As you can see Nancy and Rose are different in many ways. However, both women do have a few things in common. Rose and Nancy both had very different social classes.
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