English, asked by anvic, 2 months ago

Write the summary of the chapter " Zoology" from the book " football school season 1 " about 100 words


Answered by AneesKakar

The answer to the give question is written below.

  • Zoology refers to the branch of biology which deals with animal kingdom.
  • It explains all the types of  structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits,distribution of all animals which may be both living and extinct, and how they interact with their ecosystems.
  • The term zoology originated from Ancient Greek where 'zōion' means 'animal' and 'logos' means 'knowledge, study'.
  • This study deals with the animal kingdom ranging from the ancient to modern times.
Answered by MrMineorMrbeast12


A goat wearing a red cloak trots into the stadium of German club Cologne. This Famous goat is none other than Hennes VIII. Hennes is a billy goat (which is the name for male goat).In Europe, Farmers keep goats for their milk. On one occasion striker, Anthony Ujah got in trouble. After scoring a goal for Cologne, he ran to where Hennes was standing and pulled his horns. Ouch! His handler had to calm him down. It is said that having a billy goat is a tradition when a circus owner gave a goat to the club. The eagle has been a symbol of strength because of its fighting skills.

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