English, asked by shakeelqureshi, 3 months ago

Write the summary of the given paragraph. (Word Limit- 100 words)

Rafting or white water rafting is a challenging and recreational activity using an

inflatable raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. This is usually done on white

water or different degrees of rough waters for its thrill and excitement. The

development of this activity as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid-1970s.

White water rafting can be a dangerous sport, especially if basic safety precautions are

not observed. It has its share of injuries and fatalities. But like most outdoor sports,

rafting has become safer over the years. Expertise has increased, and equipment has

become more specialized and increased in quality.

Risks in rafting stem from both environmental dangers and improper behaviour. Rafting

is often played for the adrenaline rush and this often becomes a problem for people and

their own safety. Certain features on rivers are inherently unsafe and have remained

consistently so despite the passage of time. These would include fallen trees, dams,

rocks and high waterfalls. Rafting with experienced guides is the safest way to avoid

such features.

Rafting contributes to the economy of many regions which in turn may contribute to the

protection of rivers from hydroelectric power generation, diversion for irrigation, and

other development. Additionally, white water rafting trips can promote environmentalism.

By experiencing first hand beauty of a river, individuals who would otherwise be

indifferent to environmental issues may gain a strong desire to protect and preserve that

area because of their positive outdoor experience.​


Answered by cathykeh76


hhhhaaaa too so sup sup all do all


didn't do do to go go go go go go go go cm coo David

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