English, asked by shusinghsbg, 6 months ago

Write the summary of the passage above of about one-third of the original length.

A stamp is to many people, just a slip of paper that takes a letter from one town or country to another. They are unable to understand why we stamp collectors find so much pleasure in collecting them and how we find the time in which to indulge in our hobby. To them, it seems a waste of time, a waste of effort and a waste of money. But they do not realise that there are many who do buy stamps, many who find the effort worth-white and many who if they did not spend their time collecting stamps, would spend it less profitably. We all seek something to do in our leisure hours and what better occupation is there to keep us out of mischief than that of collecting stamps? An album, a packet of hinges, a new supply of stamps, and the time passes swiftly and pleasantly

Stamp-collecting has no limits and a collection never has an end; countries are always printing and issuing new stamps to celebrate coronations, great events, anniversaries and deaths. And the fascination of collecting is trying to obtain these stamps before one's rivals. Every sphere of stamp-collecting has its fascination-receiving letters from distant countries and discovering old stamps in the leaves of dusty old books. A stamp itself has a fascination all its own. Gazing at its little picture we are transported to the wilds of Congo, the homes of the Arabs, and the endless tracks of the Sahara desert. There is a history in every stamp The ancient Roman Empire and the Constitution of America, India's Independence and the Allied victory, are all conveyed to our mind's eye by means of stamps. We see famous men, pictures, writers, scientists, soldiers, politicians, and famous incidents. Stamps, so small and minute, contain knowledge that is vast and important.​


Answered by wajahatkincsem


Stamps are just pieces of paper for people but for other people, these are the most precious things.


  • Stamp collecting has been a habit of many people for years because they get fascinated by different stamps.
  • Every stamp has its history related to a place, the event, or a country.
  • Many famous people like writers, scientists, soldiers, etc. like to collect stamps.  

Answered by sk9724413


send me summary of this passage

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