English, asked by dhrambirsingh203, 3 days ago

Write the summary of the passage given below:

Throughout history, the clash between the old and the young has been a defining feature of both reality and literature. Parents have power over their children… but as those juveniles approach adolescence, they begin to put pressure on their parents’ power. They test the rules; they rebel; they create their own rules. The parents are puzzled, frustrated and resentful about the shift in the balance of power. They fight back; try to exert their leadership in an attempt to maintain their power. But as they grow towards old age, they are forced to relinquish it, while the world changes into a place they cease to recognize from their youth. The friction between old and young is set to become a feature of the twenty first century, as we approach a period where the balance of power reaches virgin territory. This is not to say that relationships between the generations are expected to worsen; rather that the unprecedented demographic changes to come will have knock-on effects that we cannot yet imagine.


Answered by myrakincsem

The summary of the passage can be written as follows:

  • We know that the young and the older generations have a clash of their thoughts.
  • In the beginning, parents have the power and they make the child behave and work upon their decisions.
  • But as children grow older, they question their parents and want freedom to take their decisions on their own.
  • This leads to clashes between the young and the old.
  • With time, the adversity of these clashes is depicted to grow higher in the coming generations.

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