AIR PASSAGE :nose to alveoli
the air first crosses the nostrils where their are hair and mucous which help in cleaning the air from dust or foreign particles as they stick on them.after that air travels to nasal chamber where the air comes at the body temperature which is very essential for lungs ,the temperature should be as of body not high not low.after that air moves to pharynx where nothing as such happens but it has multiple opening of ducts or we can say ear mouth nose all passage open in it .then air travels to larynx which is sound box and which has more development in males than females .after that it travels to trachea which is covered by c shaped cartilaginous rings which prevents colliding of trachea and c shaped cartilaginous rings have oesophagus running behind trachea. trachea open into two tracheal bronchus bronchus divides into bronchioles which are further categorised as primary secondary and tertiary or 1 degree ,2degree,3 degree bronchioles then we have alveoli sacs where the gases exchange occurs.everything from bronchus and little bit of trachea to sacs are in lungs . left lung is a bit small as heart is situated Their. thats all about air passage
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The respiratory tract of human respiratory system begins from a pair of external nostrils situated at the lower end of the nose . The air enters through the nostrils and reaches into a pair of nasal cavities . The nasal cavities are seperated from the oral cavity by a bony plate . The two nasal cavities are seperated from each other by a nasal septum . It is due to this reason we can breathe in air while we eat . The nasal cavities are lined with ciliated pseudotarified coloumnar epithelium rich in gland cells so that the inspired air gets warmed , moistened and becomes dust free . The dust particles are entrapped in the mucus secreted by muscle cells .Nasal cavity is also lined with olfactory epithelium which acts as organ of smell . The nasal chambers open into pharynx through internal nares.
The pharynx is a short vertical tube located at the head at the back of the buccal cavity . It provides passage into which the internal nares and buccal cavity both open to pass the air into it . The pharynx provides passage into trachea or wind pipe through a slit like aperture called glottis . The glottis always remains open except during swallowing . The glottis bear a leaf like cartilaginous flap , the epiglottis at its anterior margin . During swallowing the epiglottis closes the glottis to check the entry of the food into it .
The trachea is a thin walled tube that extends downwards through the neck and divides it into two major bronchi . One major bronchi enters the right lung and the other , the left lung . Trachea has a cartilaginous rings to prevent it from collapsing in between breaths .
In humans beings , The respiratory organs are lungs which provides the surface for the exchange of gases . Each individual has a pair of lungs . The lungs lie in the thoraic cavity on the sides of the heart . The thoraic cavity is seperated from the abdominal cavity by a muscular partition called diaphragm . Within lungs the major bronchi further divides into secondary and primary bronchi and finally into still smaller bronchi . Each bronchi divides into alveolar sacs . Bronchi and their branches give the appearance of a bunch of grapes . The alvdolar sacs also called alveoli . It is closely surrounded by a network of blood capillaries . when the concentration of oxygen is more is alveoli then exchange of gases take place between blood and alveoli through diffussion and the oxygenated blood goes into heart and the deoxygenated air goes out through diffussion .