Science, asked by aain43, 10 months ago

write the symbol of first 20 element in modern periodic table


Answered by nikitagarg9

H = hydrogrn
He = helium
Li = lithium
Be = berelium
B= boron
C = carbon
N = nitrogen
O = oxygen
F = florin
Ne = neon
Na = sodium
Mg = magesium
Al = alumminum
Si = silicon
P = phosphorus
S = sulphur
Cl= clorine
Ar = argon
K = potassium
Ca = calcium

hope it helps...♥

Answered by Anonymous

\sf{Answer -}

What are symbols ?

Symbols are the special codes for a particular element in a periodic table. Every element have specific symbols for it.

Each of them are characterised by symbols.

Symbols of first 20 elements -

\begin{tabular}{c | c}Elements & Symbols \\ \cline{1-2}Hydrogen & H \\ Helium & He \\ Lithium & Li \\ Beryllium & Be \\ Boron & B \\ Carbon & C \\ Nitrogen & N \end{tabular}

\begin{tabular}{c | c}Elements & Symbols \\ \cline{1-2}Oxygen & O \\ Fluorine & F \\ Neon & Ne \\ Sodium & Na \\ Magnesium & Mg \\ Aluminium & Al \end{tabular}

\begin{tabular}{c | c}Elements & Symbols \\ \cline{1-2} Silicon & Si \\ Phosphorus & P \\ Sulfur & S \\ Chlorine & Cl \\ Argon & Ar \\ Potassium & K \\ Calcium & Ca \end{tabular}

KunalTheGreat: pls help.
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