write the synonyms of Squatter, periphery, Enable, Transit, Fenced, Acquaintance.......plz... help me it's urgent...plz right fast
the synonyms for squatter is stocky, dumpy, stubby, stumpy, short, thickset, heavily built, sturdy, sturdily built, heavyset, chunky, solid.
The Synonyms for Periphery are edge, outer edge, margin, fringe, boundary, border, perimeter, circumference, rim, verge, borderline
the synonyms for Enable are authorize, sanction, warrant, license, qualify, allow, permit, entitle, empower, accredit, legalize, validate
The synonyms for transit are movement; transport, transportation, conveyance, shipment, haulage, freight-age, carriage; moving, travel, traveling, journeying, passage, passing, transfer, crossing, progress
The synonyms for fenced are enclose, surround, circumscribe, encircle, circle, encompass, bound,
The synonyms for Acquaintance are contact, associate, connection, ally, colleague; confrère