Write the synonyms of the following 1 Break 2 cool 3 Destory 4 End
Synonyms & Antonyms of destroy
1to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of
they practically destroyed the safe in order to get at the money inside
their poor scores on the final exam destroyed any chance they might have had to pass the course
Synonyms for destroy
annihilate, cream, decimate, demolish, desolate, devastate, do in, extinguish, nuke, pull down, pulverize, raze, rub out, ruin, shatter, smash, tear down, total, vaporize, waste, wrack, wreck
Words Related to destroy
beat, best, clobber, conquer, crush, defeat, drub, lick, master, overbear, overcome, overmatch, prevail (over), rout, scotch, skunk, subdue, surmount, thrash, trim, triumph (over), trounce, wallop, whip, win (against)
blast, blow up, break, cripple, damage, deface, deteriorate, disfigure, disintegrate, dissolve, dynamite, harm, impair, injure, mangle, mar, mutilate, spoil, vitiate
erode, scour, sweep (away), wash out, wear (away)
dilapidate, disassemble, dismantle, gut, take down, unbuild, undo, unmake
blot out, efface, eradicate, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, liquidate, obliterate, remove, root (out), snuff (out), stamp (out), wipe out
despoil, havoc, loot, pillage, plunder, ravage, sack, trample, trash, vandalize
assassinate, butcher, cut down, dispatch, execute, fell, kill, kill off, massacre, mow (down), murder, slaughter, slay, take out, zap
1. BREAK: Smash, split, crack, burst
2. Cool: chilly, cold, brisk, bracing
3. Destroy: demolish, wreck, dismantle, ruin
4. End: finish, finale, conclusion, wind-up