Write the uses of acids, bases and salts?
Friends i am from 7th class we have Lesson in my science textbook 2nd lesson name is 2. Acids and Bases
The manufacturing of soap and paper involves the use of sodium hydroxide. NaOH is also used in the manufacture of rayon. Ca(OH)2, also known as slaked lime or calcium hydroxide, is used to manufacture bleaching powder. Dry mixes used in painting or decoration are made with the help of calcium hydroxide.
Acids base and salts are chemical compound you want to classify that is it base and salt in indicator for testing acid and base ....
Litmus Paper is the best option to check the expense is acid or base
metals are basic in nature example copper iron aluminium zinc Sodium Potassium calcium etc
whether non metals are acidic in nature example Hydrogen Helium Lithium beryllium Boron carbon nitrogen etc....
we will check the substance are acidic or basic with say no for phenophthalein is a synthetic indicator .....
..... indicators are the planning types chemical which are used to test whether given substance is acidic or basic .....
.... there are two types of Litmus Paper blue Litmus Paper and red litmus paper .....
if I turn acid in blue Litmus Paper it turned into red colour solution ....
if I turn basis in red litmus paper it turn into to blue colour solution......
I hope this information helpful for you