English, asked by jinam, 1 year ago

write the write the speech on importance of adult education and ways to implement it


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                             'Importance Of Adult Education and Ways to Implement It '

Good morning everyone present here. I feel immensely privileged to have got the opportunity to express my views on Importance of Adult Education. Adult education is extremely important for a country that is endeavouring to achieve the goal of 100% literacy. India is a fast developing country with the ambition of becoming a fully developed country as soon as possible. This ambition can only be fulfilled in the condition of 100 % literacy. 

India is a densely populated country. A majority of people live in villages where education is not given much importance. Already there are adults who are uneducated. Unless they are educated, the mission of achieving total literacy cannot be achieved. Thus adult education is very important.  Without educating the adults we cannot enhance their skills. The Swachh India mission cannot be accomplished unless the adults are educated. Only educated adults know the value of cleanliness. After the basic literacy, the adults can further take up specialization courses that will further increase the number of skilled workers in our country. These illiterate adults can contribute to the nation building by being literate in a far better manner.

 Indian Government has taken quite a few initiatives to promote adult education. Open schools, skill development programmes, each one teach one literacy drive, etc are a few of them. We as citizens must contribute at our level in the literacy promotion programme. The least we can do is teach basic literacy to an illiterate adult.

Answered by Sudhalatwal
                                       Speech on Adult Education

Good morning, I'm _________, with my views on the topic Adult Education and Ways to Implement It. India is a vast country and the problem of illiteracy is a challenge not only for the government, but for the public also. During the past few decades the technology and progressed by leaps and bounds and Indian economy has improved. There are better facilities for education for the public in general as compared to the past. Yet there are millions of adults who are illiterate. Should we not try to bring them out of their ignorance. No body, I.m sure, would say 'yes' to my question and the best answer for it is Adult Education. 

Adult Education can change the lives of the illiterate adults and make them self-sufficient. They don't have to depend on others to read and write for them and they can feel empowered. Krishtakka came forward at the age of sixty two to learn to read and write. She is an inspiration for many other adults like her to emulate. If we have more children and adults like Sudha Murty who can take the responsibility to teach these adults, the face of our nation can be uplifted. Schools and colleges can organize evening classes for which youth and teachers can volunteer. Students can go to slums and take up Adult Education as a community service. Where there is a will, there is a way. So, let us all take this oath today morning that each one of us will strive to find an adult and teach him. It can be the maid who comes to clean our house or a gardener in the society. I hope my audience have this oath as a take away to bring better future.

Thank you for the patient hearing.
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