English, asked by xeshan917, 6 hours ago

write thesis statement of....
Humans think in stories rather than in facts, numbers or equations, and the simpler

the story, the better. Every person, group and nation has its own tales and myths. But

during the twentieth century the global elites in New York, London, Berlin and

Moscow formulated three grand stories that claimed to explain the whole past and to

predict the future of the entire world: the fascist story, the communist story, and the

liberal story. The Second World War knocked out the fascist story, and from the late

1940s to the late 1980s the world became a battleground between just two stories:

communism and liberalism. Then the communist story collapsed, and the liberal

story remained the dominant guide to the human past and the indispensable manual

for the future of the world — or so it seemed to the global elite.

The liberal story celebrates the value and power of liberty. It says that for thousands

of years humankind lived under oppressive regimes which allowed people few

political rights, economic opportunities or personal liberties, and which heavily

restricted the movements of individuals, ideas and goods. But people fought for their

freedom, and step by step, liberty gained ground. Democratic regimes took the place

of brutal dictatorships. Free enterprise overcame economic restrictions. People

learned to think for themselves and follow their hearts, instead of blindly obeying

bigoted priests and hidebound traditions. Open roads, stout bridges and bustling

airports replaced walls, moats and barbed-wire fences.

The liberal story acknowledges that not all is well in the world, and that there are still

many hurdles to overcome. Much of our planet is dominated by tyrants, and even in

the most liberal countries many citizens suffer from poverty, violence and

oppression. But at least we know what we need to do in order to overcome these

problems: give people more liberty. We need to protect human rights, to grant

everybody the vote, to establish free markets, and to let individuals, ideas and goods

move throughout the world as easily as possible. According to this liberal panacea —

accepted, in slight variations, by George W. Bush and Barack Obama alike — if we

just continue to liberalise and globalise our political and economic systems, we will

produce peace and prosperity for all.​


Answered by rishikeshgowda200810


sorry it's too long

I don't have much patients

so ask some one else

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