Write thr commands to draw a ractangle in msw logo
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what is MSW logo ?
MSW logo is nothing but a software which consists of a turtle and we can command the turtle to move anywhere.
what are the operations in MSW logo ?
- moving forward - we use the command fd and the number of steps it has to move front. for example, if i want to move forward 100 steps, i command fd 100 or forward 100.
- moving backward - we use the command bk and the number of steps it has to move backwards. for example, if i want to move 100 steps backward, i command bk 100 or backward 100.
- changing the angle of turtle towards the right : we use the command rt and the degree it has to turn towards the right. for example, if i want to change the turtle 90° towards the right, i should command rt 90.
- changing the angle of the turtle towards the left : we use the command lt and the degree it has to turn towards the left. for example, if i want to change the turtle 90° towards the left, i should command lt 90.
so as we need a rectangle we can command the following:
fd 40
rt 90
fd 20
rt 90
fd 40
rt 90
fd 20
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